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Monday, April 12, 2010

A few little updates

Life has sure been very busy around our house the last few months! We finally closed the case on the accident. I have to say that it was actually a blessing in disguise. Financially we were kinda tight from running two households but after the car accident and putting everything completely in God's hands, he took care of us so well. He is amazing and so good! I feel my relationship with God has improved over the last few months. My faith is stronger, I pray daily, I put all things in his hands. With everything that has gone on, I was glad I had Him to turn to and to help me through it all.

We took a trip to California in March to go to Disneyland, to see family and go to the beach. It was so much fun! The weather was gorgeous but remind me next time to not plan on going to DL during spring break.

We also took a trip to Wisconsin to see D's dad who was very sick. We wanted to see him before he passed as we did not wish to remember him that way or to have the kids have to go through all that. We spent day after day at the hospital hoping for a miracle but a few short hours after we boarded the plane, he passed due. I'm glad we were able to see him and for him to see the kids before he really went down hill. I'm glad D got to see his dad and hearing him say "I love you son" just one more time. They haven't had the best relationship but I'm glad it ended on a good note.

DOS turned 2 in early April! It seems like just a few months ago she was born. It makes me so sad when I think about how fast they grow up! I wish I could keep them little, snugly and innocent forever. She talks up a storm (but usually only around people she is comfortable with). She's really starting to show how grown up she's becoming with her behavior and speech.

UNO turned three in December. With the new age came new attitude and behavior. He is Mr. Independent. We're still working through it and hoping that with positive changes in behavior from both Mommy and UNO, we will both come out of this age better people. Please pray for me/us. I'm having trouble dealing with his 3 year old behavior and how to parent without always yelling. We've started to homeschool...nothing much but little bits here and there. He is so brilliant and I love watching him play and learn how things work.

TRES is growing by the minute. She is such a happy baby! She loves to chew and suck on everything, but mostly her hands. She has discovered that she loves the jumper, tv, and playing with her big brother and sister. She loves being carried in my moby wrap and greatly dislikes being put in her carseat (once the car is going, she's fine). TRES also just got her ears pierced. She looks so stinkin cute!

I added new pictures to our photo With three kids, hundreds of pictures each month and practically no time to blog or upload pics it is just easier to post them to one site once a month than to add them one by one on here, facebook or anywhere else.

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