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Sunday, February 8, 2009

More Job Info

He got a job with the company he's worked for for a few years now. He won't be going back overseas which is awesome. The job is located in Sierra Vista, which is where he was stationed while in the Army, which is about an hour past Tucson. It's an amazing opportunity and the start of a career rather than just a "job". He will be getting "top secret" clearance which is highly sought after and also means he can get any top secret job, anywhere. So long story short, this means eventually we'll be moving down to Sierra Vista. We'll be seeing eachother on the weekends and during the week if the kids and I drive down until we move down fully. He'll be getting an apartment or small house until this house sells. At first I was a little hesitant and not so thrilled but the more I prayed about it, after my "shopping cart experience" and a few fortune cookie papers that were amazing, I'm just at ease about the whole thing. This job is sent from heaven...the opportunity, the salary(which is beyond amazing for someone with no college, 26 years old and in this economy), everything. This does mean leaving family, friends, our beautiful home and our entire life here but I'm hopefull that this will not distance us from our friends, we'll find an even better house and home for our family, and we'll still be able to see "Mamaw" and my sisters a few times a month. I hope that our friends will understand and not push us out of their lives forever. We'd still like to get together as much as possible between now and the final move (not for a few months at least) and I hope that we'll still be able to plan playdates and special occasions to get together after we move. We've made some great friends and I don't want to lose them.

I'm excited about the plans the Lord has for us and how our lives will change. Please pray for our family and our changing lives.


Angie said...

Wow Sarah - all I can say is WOW! I'm so happy Des found such a great job - but I'm sorry it means you'll have to go. Yes, let's make the most of your time until then. Oh, and I have some good friends in Tucson maybe you can meet - like my former college roomie with 2 kiddos (almost 3 yr and almost 1 yr). See ya Friday for our party! :)

Anonymous said...

That is really awesome, Sarah! We will definitely keep you guys in our prayers. I'm sure these next few months won't be easy. If you ever need a break from the driving, we're right at exit 200 on your way to Tucson! Feel free to stop on in and let the kids play,etc. it will break up the driving, anyways! And once you do move, I'm sure we can meet up in Tucson sometime!