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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Neuroligist update

Yesterday we saw the Neurologist and with it came the "news" that I sort of expected. She wants TRES to have an MRI because she suspects that during the car accident that happened 3 days prior to her birth or during birth, she had a stroke. She watched her movements, the way she sort of tucks her thumb into her hand when she's not using it and the overall "neglect" that she shows towards that hand. Yes, she uses it but sometimes its like she forgets that its there and that's when the folding of her wrist happens.
She is happy with the improvement that TRES has made during the last 2 months of physical therapy and wants her to continue to get PT because she still has some low tone in her arms and core. She also wants her to start occupational therapy to work on her fine motor skills which need refinement (pincher grasp, banging blocks, etc).
The Neurologist did say that strokes in infants are VERY common because the little blood vessels are so fragile and birth is very traumatic to the head. She told me that she always tells parents that if a stroke were to happen the best time is when you're a baby because its so much easier to learn/re-learn how to use your body. She wants us to persue "early intervention" to try to get the PT and OT covered by the state. She isn't showing any signs of developmental delay so this is just a brain/hand thing.
She doesn't think that TRES will have long term effects and that she will be able to function completely fine so I'm so thankful for that.
This is just a hard time for my hubby and I as parents. The thought of my baby being put under is stressful and very emotionally draining. But we feel like we don't have an option whether we do it or not. We'll never know unless she has the MRI done, so as soon as the insurance clears it the doctors office will call to schedule it So please just keep her in your prayers. She continues to make progress every day and hopefully soon will have no signs that there was ever something wrong.

1 comment:

shanfran said...

I am so sorry Sarah! I had no idea that your little one was having any problems. I will definitely keep all of you in my prayers.