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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I cant believe what some people say...

A few months back when Jacob was taking his swim lessons, I was talking to a few moms sitting waiting for their kids to get done with their classes. Somehow we got into the subject of the army, our life, etc. Most people are extremely grateful for my husbands service and the sacrifices myself and our children make but its one comment that I just cant stop thinking about. One lady actually said to me "I wonder how many marriages actually survive the army life and deployments". Are you kidding me? What would possess you to say something like that to someone you dont know and someone who is living that life? So after I got over the shock I quickly said "we're actually stronger because of it". We have been through a lot since the day we met and through the good, the bad, and many deployments, we're stronger than ever. He is my best friend, my partner, an amazing father and wonderful husband. We may not be together every day but that just makes our love stronger. The time we do spend together is even better because absence really does make the heart grow fonder. I just still can't believe someone would say that to someone else. I wonder if she's thought about her "open mouth, insert foot" moment as much as I have and about how offending it was. So the moral of the lesson is, if you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all.


Bethany said...

Well said. HA! You know that person probably just didn't think before they spoke. I know a lot of people that do that, including some of my friends and they don't know just how much it really hurts my feelings. I just try to brush it off, and not let it get to me. Some people have actually said to me... "Do you think Ryan will cheat on you because you and him have only "been" with each other?" I remember responding, "No, I'm not worried about it... we have a strong foundation in our marriage, with God being the center of our relationship." I didn't even know how to respond to something like that. People's comments and opinions can be hurtful. Opinions are like butt holes... everybody's got one.

Cortney said...

Yay you posted! Yeah, some people just don't think! I think I would have just sat there in shock...the survival rate is just as great as the falling marriage rate in the US, probably even better! People have some nerve!

Katie said...

Some people just don't think. It's hard for people outside this life to understand it. They just think "I couldn't do it, so no one else can." I know you both and your hearts, you're the real deal. Some people can't do this life and their marriages crumble because of it. You're not one of them though, you're one of the strongest women I know!