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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

32 days and counting

So yesterday was K's first day back to school. We've been hanging out just about every day since school ended so I'm feeling a little lonely. The kids keep me busy but I guess I feel like I have to have lots of people around me to feel content. I don't care if we're just sitting and watching TV but I love having family and friends around to hang out with.

D will be home in 32 days! I can't wait! It will be so nice to have him home and to have someone to talk to and hang out with every day. I miss him when he's gone but I love that when he comes home, we have a few months of just us, no work or anything to get in the way. It sounds crazy but I feel like it kinda makes up for not having him home the rest of the time.


Angie said...

OK Sarah...time for a new blog post. Tell us something going on in your life (or make something up! :)

Cortney said...

You need to update your blog missy!

Katie said...

I'm so excited for you! I can't even imagine how great a few months with just you guys will be. Enjoy it! When does he have to leave again?