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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A little reminder as to how good I have it

Once in a while I feel overwhelmed with the attitudes, mouthiness and screaming or throwing a fit in the back seat while driving but going out with my kids to a public place (the children's museum, zoo, fireworks at the Tempe beach park, etc) I always get reminded of how GREAT my kids are (and what a good mom I am ...yes, I'm giving myself a little pat on the back) compared some other children and parents out there. I try not to ever take for granted how lucky I am to be a mom, to have two wonderful, beautiful, brilliant children and a terrific husband and all around wonderful life but seeing and hearing other kids and adults really makes me stop and realize how great I have it.

Today there were kids running around the childrens museum being rude and pushy, taking toys away from other kids, pushing little kids out of the way, and hitting while parents just sat by and watched or weren't even paying attention. One little girl was so starved for attention plopped down in my friend friends lap and started playing and begging for her attention all while the mom sat on a bench with her nose in her book and not even acknowledging that she had a child there playing.

Another surprising and upsetting account happend on the 4th of July when we went to TTL to watch the fireworks. We were sitting on the grass when all of the sudden a child behind us started to cry, the father then jumped up smacked the older child (maybe 9 or 10) and started to repeatedly curse(and I mean CURSE! F bombs left and right, very loudly) at the older child for whatever he had done to the younger sibling. Seriously?!? How can people talk to their children like that? I don't exactly remember what the kid did but he certainly didn't deserve to be screamed at like that. Anyway, so as this maniac kept screaming at his kid, I made mine do "earmuffs" and kept looking back trying to give dirty looks or get the mom to do something but she just sat there. Its one thing to be an ass in your own house behind closed doors but don't sit there and expose other families to your foul mouth and bad temper. I felt so badly for that boy and really wanted to say something but I didn't feel like getting into a verbal or physical fight or worse( you never know who's "packin").

Anyway, long story short, sometimes it just takes a little reminder to stop and count your blessings, treasure your loved ones and try even harder to be a better person. Goals for the future...speak softer, listen more, acknowledge and reward good behavior more often v. bad behavior and never take anything for granted.


Angie said...

Wow - that's so sad about those families. I've experienced some situations like that, too. It breaks my heart when I witness kids being neglected or 'dumped on' by their parents. My prayer is that I have the wisdom to know how to intercede the next time I see that again. And YES you deserve a pat on the back - great job Mama! :)

William said...

Thanks :) You too!